Monthly Archives: May 2019

The Perfidious Fr. Martin Strikes Again

The perfidious Fr. James Martin, SJ is at it again. His unrelenting advocacy for the secular, militant, LGBT agenda continues during this era of the “Who am I to judge?” Francis papacy.

In his latest stunt, and in response to an LGBT protest in Poland last month, Fr. Judas James Martin has once again resorted to a straw man argument, concluding multiple tweets on the topic with the question:

Are Mary and Jesus only for straight people?

Martin doesn’t care that no one believes this. He understands that no one is arguing that Our Lord and His Blessed Mother are “only for straight people”, whatever that even means. However, when one has an agenda to promote as Fr Martin does, tilting at windmills is far easier than refuting natural law, sacred scripture, and the Catholic Church.

As is always the case, Fr. Martin sees issues of same-sex attraction purely in temporal terms. What you do not find in his tweets is any hint of the supernatural or concern for the salvation of souls.

Fr. Martin instead seeks affirmation of the agenda by couching it in language which (intentionally) conflates the sin with the sinner.

By now we all know that Fr. Martin can’t stop talking, writing, lecturing, and tweeting about all things LGBT. One quick look at his Twitter account proves that. But it also reveals something else much more concerning.

The perfidious Fr. Martin has over 243,000 followers on Twitter. And this is why his antics are newsworthy. Bishop Robert Barron, considered by many to be the leading Catholic media personality among clergy, has (at 141,000 followers) 100,000 fewer than Martin. In other words, Fr. Martin’s audience and influence is significant and far reaching.

Hopefully no one is holding their breath waiting for the bishops to denounce Fr. Martin. To the contrary, and as I’ve written about before, many are endorsing his work.

No, protecting the faithful from perfidious and predatory priests is not a strong suit of this generation of bishops. This is sad because I know many wonderful and holy priests who do not hesitate to condemn Martin’s dangerous agenda.

For us the laity, we must continue to shine a light on the darkness, on those who would remake the Church in the image of the world. And we must pray.