A MUST SEE Video on Ad Orientem!

This video was just brought to my attention.  The production value is excellent and the message timely.

EPIC **Ad Orientem** features the Most Reverend Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas and Father Michael Lyons, pastor of St. Roch Catholic Parish and Sts. Peter and Paul Parish. Gabriel Castillo, a catechist and Catholic YouTube artist, produced this video and did a fantastic job. 

Please take 9 minutes to watch this and to share it.  THIS IS GREAT CATECHESIS! Highly informative, incredibly accessible, and with a very professional looking production value.  

Make a difference and help educate others on the truth, beauty and tradition of Ad Orientem worship in the Roman Rite Mass.

Posted on September 3, 2016, in liturgy and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Thanks for the news! Excellent video. I’m embedding the video on my blog.
    —P.S., keep up the great work. This is one of my favourite websites.

  2. Wow! This video is excellent. As pastor of a parish who has prayed the Novus Ordo ad orientem for over five years (I am a lucky man, as my predecessor at the parish did all the work to implement the ad orientem worship,) and as we embark on an ambitious project to incorporate the EF into our parish life between now and Advent, I think I need to link this to our parish website. Very timely. Thank you for posting it.

  3. If this is not too brazen, I would like to post here something similar to what I posted on another blog site regarding this very video:

    Watched the video….well done IMHO.

    The posture of the priest depends neither upon the form of the Mass nor the language employed. In other words, the language of worship and the posture of the priest should be decoupled in our minds.

    Latin as a liturgical language will continue to appeal to a niche “market” for as long as Latin remains absent from our high school curricula. As wonderfully suited as this language may be to worship, I am convinced that there is little to be gained in attempting to force upon the rank and file any more than a taste of Latin at this time. Let’s work to put Latin back in secondary education, private and public.

    But ‘ad orientem’ worship can be instituted now! Parish “politics” may dictate that ad orientem worship is best implemented for the early morning or late afternoon Sunday Mass. I get that. Nevertheless, it can be done now…..next week or next month even! The direction in which the priest faces puts no extra demands on the faithful in the pews. Seriously, this change could not be easier.

    I surmise that over time, an ordinary form Roman Rite Mass celebrated ad orientem in the vernacular would attract a robust following, even were it celebrated on the edges of the Sunday schedule. Then it will become apparent that the ‘ad orientem’ posture belongs back in the mainstream of parish life.

  4. A very well done video. A couple of observations if I may. The priest mentions that he was “priest entertainer” while facing the people. I have never, in my 25 years of attending the Catholic Mass, (I am a convert from Southern Baptist church) seen a priest trying to “entertain” the people during the Eucharistic Prayer. What I have seen is their concentration, devotion and attention is on the Eucharist, bread and wine transubstaniated into the Body, Soul, Blood and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    My second observation is the notion I get when I hear arguments for Ad Orientum worship is those who do it are somehow spiritually superior those those who don’t. This is, perhaps, something that I am feeling that may not be present, but there are those in certain camps that have this attitude of moral and Spiritual superiority (this happens in many camps not just the TLM groups).

    There are many things that we, as Church, need to do to return to God with our whole heart. Infighting and arguing is not one of them, and I am happy to see that this video does not do. God bless you in your ministry.

  5. Fr. Vasquez from Corpus Christi is the second priest in this video. He celebrates the Extraordinary Form of the Mass at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church.

  6. ilovevictoriasbows

    “Self-absorbed promethean neopelagianists.” — Pope Francis

  7. My parish had a chant camp for the kids. At the end of the week, the kids sang at Mass using the choir stalls. The priest, who is a Dominican, celebrated the Mass ad orientem, using the high altar. I was so happy that he did this. I had never been to a Novus Ordo Mass done this way. It was so beautiful. But our tabernacle is not on the high altar. Does this matter? Any comments?

  8. Ad Orientem is beautiful! Reminds us of what Pope Benedict stated when he asked the question whose liturgy is it? And he answers simply that it is Christs liturgy!

  9. Father Michael is our priest at Sts Peter and Paul. We feel so blessed to have him!

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  2. Pingback: Good Video | Bedford Latin Mass

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