
My name is Brian Williams. I was raised largely agnostic with occasional exposure to non-denominational Christian communities. In 1992 I began attending a Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (or as we called it, Catholic Lite…smells & bells with 5 fewer Sacraments!) and was baptized soon after. I married my beautiful wife (a cradle Catholic) in 1999 and shortly thereafter began attending Catholic Church. Following a cross country move and the birth of several children, I “swam the Tiber” and converted to Catholicism in 2006.

My wife and I are blessed to have 5 beautiful children and to live in a vibrant diocese with many holy and traditional priests and lay faithful. In addition, my family has been further blessed to attend a parish that offers the Holy Mass in both the Extraordinary and Ordinary Forms of the Roman Rite.

Since my conversion I have continued to grow in my love for our Catholic faith. Possibly due to my Bachelors degree in History, I have always been interested in the two thousand year history and organic development of Christianity and the Catholic Church. Since entering the Church I have also grown in my appreciation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the “how” and “why” of our liturgical worship.

While by no means a theologian or liturgist, I have sought to increase my knowledge of the liturgy through the writings of past Councils, popes, esteemed clergy and learned faithful. I have also witnessed and personally experienced the efficacious and profound influence that beautiful and reverent liturgy has upon our own faith and prayer life. Further, I have seen how our ability to properly worship our Lord in the Holy Mass assists us in authentically living our Catholic faith with complete trust, docility and fidelity to the teaching and truth of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I call myself the Liturgy Guy because I never grow tired of reading, writing or speaking to people about the liturgy of the Catholic Church. It is my hope that you are both informed and entertained by “Life, Liturgy and the Pursuit of Holiness.”

Feel free to contact me at liturgyguy@yahoo.com.  Thank you for visiting my site.



  1. Subscribe me 🙂

    • Thank you for following the blog Kim! Please feel free to join the conversation with your comments. God bless!

    • What a great blog! I was conducting a search for Latin responses for the Novus Ordo Mass and came across your blog. Your post on Altar boys grabbed my attention. Kuddos to you! Then I read that you are a fellow parishioner and I had to reply and follow your blog.

      • Thank you Natalie! As you know, it’s easy to be an enthusiast of beautiful liturgy when you attend St. Ann’s! We are blessed with such a courageous and holy pastor. I appreciate your feedback and welcome your comments on future posts. God bless!

    • How i i find a homily

  2. Great blog! Very balanced and well written, true Traditionalism at its best. Thanks and keep ’em coming my friend.

  3. Hi Brian,
    I’m very much enjoying reading the articles on your site. Are you at St. Anne’s? My family visits my wife’s brother in Charlotte several times a year and aside from visiting loved ones, we always look forward to mass and Fr. Reid’s homily. I look forward to reading more!

    • Thank you for your kind words Jason and I hope you continue reading the blog. Yes, we are at St. Ann’s and are blessed to have Fr. Reid as our pastor. Hopefully our paths will cross the next time you come to Charlotte!

  4. Please I’m a young seminarian in my philosophical year. I must say I really enjoy reading your writings and would like to encourage you to keep it up because they are inspiring.
    Please I’d be glad if you could get me more reading materials concerning liturgy since it’s one of my basic course.
    Thank you and Stay Blessed.

    • Thank you for your kind words Kel. I am by no means an expert, but simply a Catholic husband and father seeking to learn more about our beautiful faith and liturgy. In the coming weeks and months, however, I will have more posts regarding the Holy Mass and the liturgical tradition of the Church.

      God bless!


  5. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the mess at the celebrations of Holy Matrimony that is supposed to be music suited to the sacred context of the Mass – but isn’t!

  6. Hi Brian! Thanks for taking the time to write your blog, I just subscribed and can’t wait to start reading! I’m a FOCUS missionary and love the orthodoxy of the Church and have been falling in love with the EO form of the Mass in the last few years. God bless you and your family!


  7. Great work. Please contact me.

  8. Treasa van Ommen Kloeke

    Lovely to find you Brian…trolling around the net…esp to do with “the Synod”. Lovely also to have another great convert in the Church – along with your dear family. So much to follow. As an elderly Catholic – from birth – I often find my head spinning with the rate of confusion permeating the Church…We cannot blame the folk in the pews when so many have been deprived of a loving and faithful ecclesiastical shepherd. Many moons ago I moved to Canada from Ireland and missed the ‘letters’ being read at the Mass from the Bishop of the Diocese ( and the Holy Father). There was a disconnect in Canada – which now unfortunately is so in most places. The loving care of the Traditional clergy is todays consolation. No wonder that is growing…esp. with younger people. In Calgary, AB. and now in NSW, Australia….the FSSP are our lifeline…God Bless you and your wife and children Brian.

  9. How refreshing to find another Catholic who has the beliefs as I do! 😉

    I am a “cradle Catholic” who has experienced the Latin Mass before and after it was stripped of most of “The Sacred.”

    I am a singer, and I hate to admit that I once contributed to the demise of said sacred by being part of several “folk” groups. (In my defense, I was young and impressionable, and it was the ’70s!!! Plus, at that point – what other choice did I have?!)

    After I married another Catholic, when we were both part of the Charismatic Renewal, living in an ecumenical Christian Community, I had an experience I’m becoming closer to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, but that ended up having a negative effect on my (our) relationship with the Catholic Church!

    It wasn’t until 1996 or so, when the youngest of our 4 children was about 3, and had finally “outgrown” his need for the Cry Room (!), that I heard our new Assistant at the church we had been attending after a few years of “church-shopping.” Our previous pastor had abruptly left due to “allegations”). What he said in his sermon, and how he delivered it, made me realize again what it meant to be Catholic! His name was Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, and I have been following “Fr. Z’s Blog” since I heard of its existence!

    • Thank you for sharing your great reversion story Anne. The fullness of our Catholic faith, authentically offered and lived, is a beautiful thing. I too am a reader of Fr. Z’s blog.

      God bless!

    • I’m a Pentecostal come Catholic, and I was immediately drawn to the most traditional liturgy, like you Anne. There’s a lot of relearning to do, of course, but do try to nurture the graces you received before you became Catholic, even if things don’t quite seem to match up. I could never repudiate the blessings I received, especially the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit and His gifts. My wise priest and spiritual director said from the outset “Nothing is wasted”, and he recognised and affirmed my testimony while being himself quite different in expression from charismatic Catholics. I simply combine both: but my ‘traditional’ friends keep charismatic stuff at a considerable arm’s length, and my ‘charismatic’ friends can’t seem to see the point of a Latin Mass… Hey-ho!

  10. Brian — my family and I are thinking of moving to the Carolinas (either to Charlotte or to Greenville SC, most likely). I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about parishes in the area? Would you be able to send me an email when you have a moment? Many thanks. Regards, Edward

  11. Brian, awesome blog. I came across your blog after someone posted a link to it on Reddit Catholicism. I’m a convert as well from a fundamentalist Protestant background, I fell in love with the traditional Latin Mass as well as the Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgies. If it’s possible would you be able to email me? I have some questions about the OF!

  12. Fr. Michael Tad Parks+, SSC

    I had seen your posts carried on FaceBook, and have used a number of them in my own ministry. I appreciate your thoughts and comments. Keep up the good work for the Lord.

    I am a High Church (Anglo-Catholic) Episcopal Priest in mid-western Episcopal Diocese. The Parish at which I serve is probably (no, it is!) the highest in the Diocese, and I am sure I give some people heart burn. But whatever. My parish is the only one that I know of in this Diocese that has a scheduled monthly Requiem (in Black, thank you). I am a member of the Anglican Guild of all Souls and take these Requiems very seriously. When I have a funeral I have to be pastoral but the color choice is BLACK, violet, white with the latter two spoken sotto voce. Surprisingly we get a lot of takers for Black.

    I am in full agreement with you about Requiems in Black, otherwise it becomes that dreaded modern invention: a “celebration of life”. Really?

    We also use Incense on more Sundays than not.

    Most of the complaints that I have heard over the years with some of these high church practices, have more to do with being anti-Roman than anything else. A long time ago, a very wise priest told me that the principle problem with some Lutherans is that they are still fighting the Reformation. If Lutherans actually read some of Martin Luther’s writings they would most likely be shocked. Frankly, I think he would be (or perhaps is still) shocked at what has happen to his movement. And this attitude does certainly exist in the Episcopal Church in many places.

    So Thank you for your efforts and May you be blessed for all of your work.


  13. Subscribe me, please? A priest friend of mine has shared some of your writing. I would love to read more.

  14. I would like to be able to follow you. I don’t know how to do that.

  15. Judith Capistrant

    How does one follow a blog? I have signed up “to follow” a few but never know how to actually do that. Thanks!

  16. The Church so needs more people like you!

  17. Jeanromain Petitfrere

    I need to be father

  18. We attend St John the Baptist in Tryon NC with Fr Christian as pastor who is buddies with your Fr Reid. Fr. Christian has recently started to celebrate the Latin Rite at 0830 Sunday mornings, all first Fridays and Saturdays, Friday morning daily mass, and most Holy days. It’s been a learning curve after being away from it for so long but there are many more positives than negatives. Seems to really hit home with the young families and a few old timers who grew up with it. Come visit us. If you like Fr Reid’s homilies, you’ll love Fr Christians. Pax Robert

  19. Great Blog of Yours, Sir. Thanks to that article I was finally able to understand that matter of great importance. I long for being able to participate in such a Holy Mass.
    But; I have one question( During Rite if present pope is not mentioned how Church without pope and bishop can be ONE and founded by Christ. If celebrant mentions any pope not in office or dead(?..I don’t know this Rite); that logically seems to me as a lay person, not right. Please explain that to me. By now I only know that as Pius X’s group is banned from Masses and priests who came out in the line from them also and that they can only do Sacrament of Reconciliation and with bishop’s permission, Weddings. And that it is illicit to say Masses for those priests.) Unfortunately I don’t see here Peter V like you have in US. So The Rite is 1962, did I understand well. I’m sorry for not being maybe smart enough..
    Also I have problem to figure out which church in my area would be considered for a right one. Scotland, Dumbarton. (Despite actual situation, I hope and wait and learn)
    Please, help me please Sir. Thanks.

  20. Please I like to subscribe.

  21. Gregory Horwitz

    Im glad I stumbled across this site. Wonderfully written, it reflects the beauty of the mass that I enjoy so much.

    I’m looking for a missal with all of the Gregorian music/notes actually written. Does such a thing exist? I love following the notes in my Edmund Campion as they’re sung, but there are only a few.

  22. I just found out about you tonight after reading the article on LSN. “Latin Mass continues to flourish….”. So, Who is Fr. Donald Kloster? I thought I was writing to him but not so. The article was great. I for one amd back to the faith “full force”. I saw mass of the ages and I need to see part 2. Was Fr. Kloster in it? I’m just not sure. many thanks. for considering my qu.

    • @Joan Schmutz I just now saw your post. As you may have surmised, this is not my website. Lifesite erroneously said it was and I’ve tried to correct the error. Mr. Brian Williams has been kind enough to post several of my articles and my 2 TLM National Studies.

      Fr. Kloster frkloster2@gmail.com

  23. Hi Brian,
    It’s amazing how God leads us to others in our faith’s journey. I came across your website, inadvertently, just looking up information on the topic of Catholics who are “Catholic” in name only. I find this condition of practicing Catholicism to be in abundance today. I’m not trying to judge others as I have my own share of shortcomings, too. I’m trying very hard to lead the life I have left in the best way I can, but the secular world is very powerful in seducing us to stray from our beliefs. One of the best choices I’ve ever made was to begin adoration weekly, which I’ve done for the past 11 years. It has brought me so much closer to our Father and without it, I fear that I would’ve never learned to understand my faith better. Having said that, I have so much more to learn still! I wish to thank you for writing your blog and am thankful for coming across this site. It gives me hope and strength to know there really are other people who are trying to live their best life in our Lord’s teachings. God Bless!

  24. I am very well pleased to discover the Liturgy Buy Blog!! I’ll most certainly pass it around because treats are meant for sharing. My immediate curiosity are what was dropped from theThe Roman Missal of St. Pius V and Leo XIII. The ending St. Michael Prayer and some versers earlier in the mass referring to family? If you can point me in proper direction I would be appreciative. My curiosity comes from desire to protect my own family, my community, my nation and my Church from the ongoing assault against family, faith, and the Church from modernism, Marxism, liberal personalism, atheism, and unbridled subjectivity. Come YHWH Sabaoth!

  25. Sorry, Liturgy Guy, not Buy. I’ll blame spellcheck…and lack of proofreading!

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